A Letter

A letter from myself to myself. Dear Emily, You can do this! I know things get hard. I know your brain just wants comfort foods sometime. But don’t do it! Don’t give in! You’ve wanted this for so long, be strong. In the past year how many times have you “restarted”? WAY too many times to count!! It’s normal. It gets hard. Our brains have been programmed and changing ANYTHING that you are accustomed to is not the easiest thing to do. The thing that you have to do though, each time you slip up and give into your cravings, is not say “Oh well, I’ll do better tomorrow.” NO! Do better now! So what, you slipped up? That is no excuse to stop and restart tomorrow. Tomorrow NEVER comes! It’s always today. Don’t do things that will make you regret yesterday. Think of the future. Think of how you’re going to feel when you go to the mall. No longer wondering “IF” but...