
Showing posts from August, 2014

I need to quit emotional eating...HELP! :)

I need advice.  Tips and tricks, if you will. As I've mentioned before, I’m an emotional eater, it’s one of the main reasons why I gained weight in the first place. The past few weeks have been a little hard, and I've turned to food.  I've only gained about 9 pounds, and am already on the track to losing them again. I’m just not through the rough patch, and I really want to turn to cheese fries and ice cream…but I can’t.  If I gain weight, that’ll make me unhappy, which will make me want to eat, which will make me gain…unhappy…eat…you get it. So, what are your tips and tricks?  What do you do when you just want to turn to junk food?  How do you deal with those hard, emotional times? I know this post will not only help me, but it will help others too, so comment on here, message or comment on Facebook, email or text me, and I’ll get them all compiled so we can help each other out. Thanks, dearies.

Good old Weber, 10 years passed

Last week was my 10 year reunion.  Yep.  10 years. It’s taken me a week to get to grips with that.  I don’t feel like it’s been 10 years, but time flies. I was really scared to go, like, I was crying on the way there because of a panic attack, but I had to.  Why was I panicking, you ask? 1.        I’ve had amnesia since graduating.  It wasn’t bad, but my memories are really foggy.  I can remember people and names, but I can’t remember my connections with them.  I can’t remember events.  It’s just hard.  I feel bad about it.  2.        I don’t really like attention.  It’s hard for me to take compliments, and talk about myself, especially in those situations (we’ll get to that with #3).  So, with the weight loss, people compliment me and I’m basically like “Thank you…now let’s move onto you…or another topic…baseball…Taco Bell…Starlord…anything.”  Also...