My (short) list of the worst things about losing 70 pounds

I recently read an article about the worst things aboutlosing 70 pounds , and I wanted to write my own. You’d think that losing 70 pounds would be all hunky dory, but there are some downsides: Compliments are hard. My self esteem is changing, yes, but it’s not changing as fast as my body is. I still see myself as the fat girl, so sometimes when people compliment me, I literally do not know what to do, and I get awkward, really awkward. Haha I’m just embarrassing. I had to add an additional one that is related. Attention from men, another thing I’m super awkward with. I mean, I’ve always been the girl that guys just jokingly flirt with, and I’d “jokingly” flirt back…but now it’s real. I mean, I can handle my own…but in the end, I’m pretty sure I’m just awkward. haha I don’t trust my body. Other people do, but I don’t. Yeah, I’ve lost 70 pounds, and yeah I’m working on getting fit, but really, can my body handle huge...