UberEats is my Best Friend

Well, it's been a while. Over a year.

A lot has happened, and I'm happier then I have ever been!

But...I've gained A LOT of weight.

Before we get to that, an update: Let's see, in February 2016 I met an incredible man and fell in love. He's the best person for me. He's my best friend and partner in crime. I love going on adventures with him. He makes me smile and laugh every day. Life has been wonderful since the day I met him. In November 2016 we moved to San Jose, California because he was offered an amazing job opportunity that we couldn't pass up.

With the adventures we've had and the stress from the move and new routine I (we) ate.

I'll be fully honest, I gained all my weight back, and it's been hard on my spirit. I worked so hard to get to the point I was at. We lived our life, we went out, we had fun, we found UberEats/GrubHub/Postemates in San Jose and had delivery ALL.THE.TIME. and I'm over it. I need to lose weight and at least get back to where I was.

In December we got a gym membership, and personal trainer, and for some reason I just couldn't commit. We haven't quit, we go about once ever two weeks, but my heart just isn't into it.

I'm so happy about everything in my life, until I see my body in the mirror. Something has to change.

So, this is me. Reaching back out to the world. This helps me be accountable. I'll try and check in every week and actually have progress updates. My first mini goal is to lose 15 pounds. Dustin and I made a deal with each other that we wouldn't even talk about booking a trip (not including Utah) until we lost that much. So far I'm about 5 pounds down...but I did just have ice cream (yes, you can get ice cream delivered #thanksubereats) for dinner, soooo....

I can do this. *Mario voice* Here we go!


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