I Survived the Greek Frestival!

Last night was the Greek Festival. AAaaaaaannnd, I ate lots of food. My plan was just to go in, get my FAVORITE green beans, a salad and maybe a piece of pita. Well, it's not that easy once you get there. I ended up getting a Gyro, pilaf, meatballs, green beans AND loukoumates (BEST scones ever!!) I felt terrible after, but then I had to remind myself that I'm living my life and I shouldn't feel bad for eating off plan once in a while. I enjoyed myself, and that's the most important thing, right? For those of you who haven't gone to the Greek Festival yet, GO!!! Right now, just do it! haha It's a tradition with my friends and I, and I look forward to it every year. It's almost the season opener of fall, for me. Oh, I just love it. :) So, I'm still loosing weight!! I'm SOOO super close the the 50 lbs. mark! (YEAH! *happy dance*) I'm thinking once I get to 50 lbs. down I'll get myself somethin...