I Survived the Greek Frestival!

Last night was the Greek Festival.  AAaaaaaannnd, I ate lots of food.  My plan was just to go in, get my FAVORITE green beans, a salad and maybe a piece of pita.  Well, it's not that easy once you get there.  I ended up getting a Gyro, pilaf, meatballs, green beans AND loukoumates (BEST scones ever!!)  I felt terrible after, but then I had to remind myself that I'm living my life and I shouldn't feel bad for eating off plan once in a while.  I enjoyed myself, and that's the most important thing, right?
For those of you who haven't gone to the Greek Festival yet, GO!!!  Right now, just do it!  haha  It's a tradition with my friends and I, and I look forward to it every year.  It's almost the season opener of fall, for me.  Oh, I just love it. :)
So, I'm still loosing weight!!  I'm SOOO super close the the 50 lbs. mark!  (YEAH!  *happy dance*)  I'm thinking once I get to 50 lbs. down I'll get myself something at the spa, like a facial or a massage.  I've decided to do little rewards for myself, every 10 lbs down.  Why not!?  Yes, I have the reward of feeling better and looking better, but it's just one more thing to look forward to when it gets hard.  My final reward?  An Ipad! :)  I'm so excited!! 

Here's a picture from Monday.  Most of you have seen it, since I posted it on Facebook, but it just makes me happy.  The left side was in 2009 at EFY, not even my biggest weight, and the right was Monday.  I'm wearing the same shirt, and it's a TON looser, the picture doesn't do it justice. (also, thanks to my constant companion, my water bottle, I have a spot on my shirt and my jeans are sticking out because they're starting to get too big.)  I LOVE how different I look!  It just is so motivating.  

With that friends, have a good week(end)!  Make smart decisions, it's worth it!  Love to you all!


  1. You look great and the festival sounded yummy! Love the updates and seeing how dedicated you are. You are a great example!

  2. You look amazing! Keep going girl! I can't wait to see your next update. :)


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