Change is a GOOD thing!

Life is SO great!  I'm starting to see my progress, and it's really making me happy and motivated.

I have two AMAZING photographer friends!  The older pictures (when I was at my top weight) were taken by Shantel Urry and the newer ones were taken by Ashlee Parkinson.
(Hint: If you like what you see, click their name and check out their other stuff! :))

It's just fun for me to be able to see!  Granted I'm wearing a looser shirt that isn't tight on the right, but still, you can see it.  Also, and I didn't realize this, but you can physically see that my confidence level has gone up.  I've always know who I am, no doubt about it.  I just never realized that through this process I'm becoming more confident and I'm growing so much daily...that's motivation enough for me to keep going.

Wanna kick it Relief Society and hear a good news minute?  (This whole blog is a good news minute! haha)
I've been needing to buy some new jeans.  I only have one pair of shorts and one pair of jeans because it really isn't that great to always have to buy new clothes.  (I think this is the only downside, and that's because I don't have unlimited funds. haha) So, I grabbed a pair that I thought was my size, and to my amazement, they were too big, so I grabbed the next size down, STILL too big!!  I ended up buying a pair of jeans 2 sizes smaller.  I don't remember EVER having buying clothes this size!  I cannot wipe the smile off my face, I'm so proud of myself today.

Also, FYI, I'll probably have another post tomorrow or Thursday...with another GREAT news minute! :)

With that, friends, thank you once again for your amazing support and love.  Love you all and I hope you are all finding happiness.



  1. Emily, you look amazing! I remember when I lost a lot of weight a few years ago (have since gained double what I lost unfortunately). It was really the best feeling in the world. Putting on pants in a size that you've never worn before is indescribable. Keep up the good work! Don't EVER give up! :)

  2. You gorgeous gorgeous woman! You are so amazing! Love the smile and the hips!! Woot wooT!


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